Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Monday, 14 December 2015

Site Plan - Main Task

For my outdoor shoots instead of drawing a site plan I took a screenshot of the area of the to give an exact representation of the area I will be filming in.

This is the location for my outdoor scene 

This is the location for my outdoor flashback scene 

At the start of my music video I am filming in a bedroom and then in a hallway this is a sight plan for this.

For the indoor flashback I am filming in a lounge here is a site plan for this. 

 Below is the site plan for the studio when I use it for my Lip Sync filming 

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Test Lip Sync

I was unable to decide whether or not to include some lip-syncing in my video so I decided to do a test shoot. I asked one of my friends to sing a song that she liked and then I decided to see how it works. As this worked well and even though it was hard I was able to sync it well I have decided to include lip syncing in my video.

Monday, 23 November 2015

Company Logo

There are many company logos that already exist in the music industry and are very simple in design. Some of the biggest music companies in the world have simple yet effective logos.  Below are some example of this. 
The logo for virgin records is very simple as it uses the well known virgin simple as a large part of the logo meaning that people instantly know who the company is and to show that it is a music company they have simply written the word records underneath to show that it is a music label and show the difference between this and other virgin companies. 

The logo for this company is extremely simple. It contains 2 colours and the name of the company in a very simple and plain text. The label is very basic yet very effective as many people know of the company and the kind of people that the company have on their books. The text on the logo is easy to read meaning that people can easily tell what the company is called. 

For this logo the main part of the logo is larger than the second half of the name to really make it stand out and look good on the back of a CD or on a Website. The logo stands out and is very clear the depth  of the letters really makes them stand out but also make it look like the logo is popping out towards you.  This style really catches the persons attention and draws them into the logo.

In this logo the sweep of the brush shows off the logo and really catches you're eye when you look at it. The name of the company is placed at the bottom of the logo to make the shape above it stand out as the clear point of the logo. The text underneath is very simple and all the letters are the same height to make them clear and look all the same.

I will call my company GMA Entertainment

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Target audience for existing products

For the digpak there are not that many examples so I decided to look at existing CD cases as I can take inspiration from these which will help me in making my digipak successful. 

In my chosen genre of music there are many existing products many of which will have simpler target audiences as me. I aim to make the CD and Webpage appealing to mainly girls aged under 25 as this is a nice wide range of people however I will also have to look at making it appeal to boys as well as she has some fans who are boys so I have to make it appealing to them. 

There are many existing products of these types aimed at this age group of people as they are a very typical age group to aim at as they are very influential. 

One product which was very useful to look at was Ariana Grande's ablum and website as she aims her products at people of a similar age to my target audience and her products are mainly aimed at females however it does also appeal to males in her target audience. It was really useful to look at her Cd and Webpage as she is a similar is a similar age to the artist of my song and she is trying to appeal to the same type of people as me so I can take inspiration from her website and album cover as she has done this successfully. 

Another person who has created their album cover and website successfully is Ella Eyre in order to appeal to her target audience which is people of a similar age to my target audience. I can also take inspiration from this as this is only this artists first album and it has been successfully marketed. These are good existing product to look at as she is a fairly unknown act and so is the artist of my song meaning that this is a good thing to look at because it helps show me good techniques that will make it appealing to my target audience and people within the target audience that have never heard of the artist. 


Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Target Audience - Ancillary Task

The target audience of my ancillary task are very specific to make sure that it is successful in promoting itself but also the music video and the artist. As part of my research I discovered that the target audience who like this song and the idea of the story around it is aimed mainly at people under the age of 18 so this will be the same for the ancillary task to make sure that there is consistency between the products and the video and that it is all appealing to the same type of people. There is no point making the target audience for the video people under 18 and them aiming the Digipak and website at people aged over 50. It will be very important to market these things in a very specific place. I will create a twitter page and a Facebook page to go with the things that I have created and this will mean that my target audience are able to see everything in one place but also have direct link to the artist and are able to get involved with them. Social media is a good way to engage with my target audience because they are of an age where they spend a lot of time on social networking sites meaning that this is the best way in which to communicate with the target audience. Even though my main target audience is females under 18 years of age I will have to also make it appeal to males. Although I don’t feel like the artist and her songs have much appeal to males I know that she does have some male fans having been to a few of her concerts and seeing a few guys there who were singing her songs so I need to make it appeal to them but focus on appealing to the mass audience which is females. I will need to make the website look fun and have links to key social media but also make it informative and interesting with lots of details that the people will want to know. With the Digipak I will make it fun so to attract fans to it but also other people who may not have heard of her or her music, I will make it stand out and make it appealing to people of a similar age to me, I will find this easier than if it were aimed at people of a different age to me.

Monday, 19 October 2015

Secondary Research into Audience

Tich and her target audience

Tich is the artist that was chosen by the most people who took my survey about which song to do. Tich has an interesting variety of songs, some are drawn on from past experiences and some are just made up. Most of her songs are about love from her point of view meaning that the main audience for her is women however she also has a quite a lot of male fans. Her most poplar music are based on her personal experience however in some of videos that has been created around the song make it appear made up because what happens in the music video doesn't really happen in the real world. 

She currently only has 3 music videos which have been directed by 2 different directors, Paul Gardener and Rock Jacobs. Both directors have really taken into account what the song is about and if they can have put a bit of a fun spin on the video. The videos don't have a huge amount of views but this is down to the fact that she isn't a well known artist and she doesn't have a huge following of fans. 

Views on music videos as of the 19th of October 2015
Breathe in Breathe Out - 524,507
Obsession- 1,440,095
Dumb - 1,857,217

The low number of views on these music videos highlight the fact that she isn't a well known an popular artist and that she isn't really gaining any fans through the release of her music videos. As can be seen from the number of views on her videos on her youtube channel she doesn't really get that many views on her videos and on her music videos she gets around 5 times more views than on videos on her channel. This shows that even the music videos don't have a massive amount of views they have gained her fans due to the differences in the views on the video. 

Her songs and videos deal with issues that are relatable to her target audience of girls in their teen's and early 20's which would suit her well as it is a relate able age of her as she was 19 when her first album came out and is currently 22. By aiming her songs at people either of her own age or of a similar age it means that she isn't trying to appeal to people that she doesn't understand and doesn't know what appeals to them. Also by aiming her songs at people of a similar age to her it means that her songs can be based around her own personal experiences and they are still appealing to her target. 

Below are some screen shots from her music videos. 

For my music video, I will take into consideration that her videos don't seem to be to serious and try to bring out the funny side of the story being told. However with the song that has been chosen is about quite a serious matter and and I will also have to look at her more serious music video for breathe in breathe out to give me ideas. I feel that if I included both   comedy elements and serious elements it would really show off her style of music. I could possible include the funny elements in the flashbacks that I plan to include and have the serious element in the current part of the video. 

Monday, 12 October 2015

Timed Analysis 3 - Who Knew P!nk

0.00-0.05- close up shots of different fairground rides 
0.05-0.07-tilt down to reveal Pink
0.07-0.09- blurry to clear shot of a fairground ride
0.09-0.12- tracking shot of the couple 
0.12-0.15- close up shot of Pink
0.15-0.17- medium shot of the couple 
0.17-0.21- close up shot of their faces and lips 
0.21-0.22- close up shot of Pink
0.22-0.24- close up shot of the couple
0.24-0.26-low angle shot of fairground ride 
0.26-0.32- pan shot of pink singing
0.32-0.35- shots of the couple playing
0.35-0.37- extreme close up shot of Pink
0.37-0.39- long shot of the couple walking through the fair 
0.39-0.43- close up shot of Pink
0.43-0.44- blurred shot of a fairground ride
0.44-0.46- close up shot of pink
0.46-0.48- tilt down on Pink
0.48-0.50- extreme close up of Pinks face
0.50-0.52- medium shot of the girl playing a fairground games
0.52-0.53- medium shot of children playing at the fairground 
0.53-0.55- extreme close up of Pink 
0.55-0.57-close up of pink singing 
0.57-1.00- long shot of the couple dong couple things 
1.00-1.05- close up shot of Pink Singing 
1.05-1.06- close up of children 
1.06-1.10- extreme close up of the couple 
1.10-1.13- extreme close up of pink singing
1.13-1.17- long shot of the couple 
1.17-1.19- extreme close up of Pink
1.19-1.21- close up of Pink
1.21-1.24- medium shot of the couple on a ride
1.24-1.27- close up of pink singing
1.27-1.29- close up of the couple on the a ride
1.30-1.32- close up of Pink 
1.33-1.35- aerial shot of Pink
1.35-1.37- a close up of the couple 
1.37-1.38- a hand squeezing 
1.38-1.39- side on shot of Pink
1.39-1.42- close up shot of Pink
1.42-1.43- dark shot of someone injecting drugs
1.43-1.44- close up shot of the couple
1.44- 1.46- extreme close up of Pink
1.46- 1.49- aerial shot of Pink
1.49- 1.50- close up dark shot of the boy with his head in his hands
1.50-1.51- medium shot of the couple
1.51-1.53- pan shot of the boy to the girl 
1.53-1.58- close up shot of Pink
1.58-2.00- close up of the couple
2.00-2.01- meduim shot of Pink
2.01-2.03- shots of fairground rides
2.03-2.04- close up of Pink
2.04-2.08 medium shots of the fairground
2.08-2.09 reaction shot of the girl at the fair 
2.09- 2.11- medium shot of Pink
2.11-2.14- long shot of the couple playing a fairground games
2.14-2.15- side on close up of Pink
2.15-2.16- medium back of the head shot 
2.16-2.18- long shot of the girl 
2.18--2.18- side on shot of Pink
2.18-2.20- tracking shot of the couple
2.20-2.22- close up shot of Pink
2.22-2.23- long shot of the couple fighting
2.23-2.24-medium shot of Pink 
2.24-2.26- medium shot of the couple fighting
2.26-2.28- extreme close up of Pinks lips
2.28-2.29- medium shot of the girl 
2.29-2.32- close up of Pink
2.32- 2.33- medium shot of the boy injecting a drug
2.33-2.34- close up on the boys face
2.34-2.35- medium shot of the girl searching
2.35-2.36- medium shot of the boy
2.36-2.36- extreme close up of the girls face
2.36-2.38- extreme close up of Pink
2.38-2.39- close up of Pink
2.39-2.40-medium shot of the boy
2.40-2.41- close up of the girl
2.41-2.42- close up of Pink 
2.42-2.42– close up shot of Pink
2.42-2.43- some some jumping In water
2.43-2.44- close up of the boy washing his face
2.44-2.44-close up of Pink
2.44-2.45- long shot of the girl walking towards the girl 
2.45-2.46- long shot of the couple on a ride 
2.46-2.47- shot of some one jumping in the water and the a ride 
2.47-2.47- side on shot of Pink 
2.47- 2.48- straight on shot of Pink
2.48-2.49- shot of the couple on a ride 
2.49-2.49- underwater shot
2.49-2.50 - couple on a ride
2.50-2.51- shot of pink and the fairground
2.51- 2.53- close up shots of the couples hugging 
2.53-2.54- shots on the swing ride
2.54-2.56- close up shot of Pink
2.56-2.56- close up shot of the couple kissing
2.56-2.57- shot of Pink
2.57-2.58- different shots of the couple 
2.58-2.59-close up of Pink
2.59-3.00- long shot of Pink
3.00-3.00- shot of the couple 
3.00-3.01- shots in water 
3.01-3.03-aerial shot of Pink
3.03-3.04- shot of Pink
3.04-3.06 pan shot of the girl in the phone booth 
3.06-3.07- shot of Pink
3.07-3.08- shot of the girl in a phone booth
3.08-3.09- close up of the boy 
3.09-3.10- close up of Pink
3.10-3.14- Shots of the fair 
3.14- 3.16- close up tracking shot of the boy 
3.16-3.17-aerial shot of Pink
3.17-3.19- close up tracking shot of the girl 
3.19-3.22- close up of Pink
3.22-3.26- tracking shot of the girl 
3.26-3.29 - close up shot of Pink
3.29-3.33- extreme close up of Pinks eye

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Timed Analysis 2 - Obsession Tich

0.00- 0.01 - medium shot of Tich 
0.01-0.02- close up of her hands playing the piano 
0.02-0.04 - Tracking shot of a bird cage on the ceiling 
0.04- 0.05 - medium shot of Tich
0.05-0.06- tracking shot of her playing the piano, tracking right to left 
0.06-0.08- close up of Tich singing 
0.08-0.09- medium side on shot of a boy winking in the presumed direction of Tich 
0.09-0.11- medium shot of Tich playing the piano with a party going on around her 
0.11-0.13- medium shot of Tich 
0.13- 0.15- close up of Tich singing 
0.15- 0.17- medium shot of Tich
0.17-0.18 close up Tich
0.18-0.19 - different close up of Tich 
0.19-0.20 - side on medium shot of Tich singing
0.20 - 0.21- medium shot of the boy who winked earlier 
0.21-0.22- close up of a different boy wearing glasses 
0.22- 0.24- close up shot of Tich 
0.24-0.26- long shot of Tich playing the piano 
0.26-0.28 close up of the boy with glasses
0.28-0.30- medium close up shot of Tich 
0.30- 0.31- long shot of Tich 
0.31-0.33- medium clos up of Tich 
0.33-0.34- Long Shot of Tich playing the piano 
0.34-0.35- line of people entering a room with their hands up 
0.35-0.36 - medium close up shot of Tich 
0.36-0.37- medium shot of Tich and another girl dancing 
0.37-0.38- Close up of Tich singing and dancing 
0.38-0.40- a line of girls dancing 
0.40-0.40- Cut back to Tich Singing 
0.40-0.41 - Close up of a hand grabbing food
0.41-0.42- medium shot of Tich laughing 
0.42-0.43- close up of Tich singing 
0.42-0.44- different close up of Tich singing 
0.44-0.45- medium shot of the boy with glasses 
0.45-0.46- close up shot of boy with glasses 
0.46-0.46- close up of Tich 
0.46-0.48- medium shot of the winking boy 
0.48-0.49- medium shot of Tich playing the piano
0.49-0.50- close up of Tich singing 
0.50-0.53- over the shoulder shot of the winking boy throwing water over the boy with glasses and him walking away
0.53-0.54- medium shot of Tich walking away 
0.54-0.55- pan from left to right to show the winking boy 
0.55-0.56- pan from right to left of the rest of the party
0.56-0.58- close up of Tich 
0.58- 0.59- different close up of Tich singing
0.59-1.00- zoom in shot of Tich looking at an iPad
1.00-1.01- close up shot of Facebook on the iPad
1.01-1.03- shot returns to Tich looking at the iPad
1.03-1.05- close up of Tich singing 
1.05-1.06- pan shot from left to right of the boy with glasses doing yoga
1.06-1.08- medium shot of him doing yoga
1.08-1.10 long shot of Tich walking past him doing yoga
1.10-1.12- close up of Tich waving and smiling 
1.12-1.13- over the shoulder shot of glasses boy being chased by a dog 
1.13-1.14- close up of Tich looking at the scene
1.14-1.18- long shot of glasses boy falling over 
1.18-1.19- close up of Tich laughing
1.19-1.20- side on shot of her laughing 
1.20-1.21- close up of Tich singing 
1.21-1.23- different close up of Tich singing 
1.23-1.24- different close up of Tich singing 
1.24-1.26- different close up of Tich singing 
1.26- 1.28- different close up of Tich singing  
1.28-1.29- tilt from top to bottom of glasses boy
1.29-1.31- close up of Tich singing 
1.31-1.32- close up of table football
1.32-1.37-close up of the boy with glasses 
1.37-1.38- low angle shot of the boy with glasses
1.38-1.40- medium shot of Tich talking to 2 girls 
1.40-1.42- back of the head shot of glasses boy walking away
1.42-1.45-  medium shot of Tich talking to 2 girls
1.45-1.48- close up of Tich signing
1.48-1.50- medium shot of Tich pouring Tea
1.50-1.52-  close up of Tich singing
1.52-1.54- long shot of a barge on a canal
1.54-1.55- long shot of Tich 
1.55-1.56- medium shot of her hand on the railing 
1.56-1.58- long shot of Tich walking 
1.58-2.01- side on shot of Tich singing which fades to white
2.01-2.02- an aerial shot of Tich and glasses boy riding a bike 
2.02-2.04- straight on shot of them riding a bike
2.04-2.05- side on shot of Tich 
2.05-2.06- an aerial shot of Tich and glasses boy riding a bike
2.06-2.08- side on shot of Tich 
2.08-2.09- straight on shot of Tich singing to the camera
2.09-2.11- back of the head shot of Tich at a coffee stand 
2.11-2.12- straight on shot of Tich singing to the camera
2.12-2.14- shot of Tich at coffee stand turning round and dropping her purse
2.14-2.17- medium shot of dropped purse and 2 hands going to grab it
2.17-2.19- straight on shot of Tich singing to the camera
2.19-2.24- tilt from bottom to top of the hands lift the purse showing Tich's reaction
2.24-2.25- close up of glasses boys face 
2.25-2.27- close up of Tich's face 
2.27-2.28- straight on shot of Tich singing to the camera
2.28-2.30- side on long shot of Tich Singing 
2.30-2.34- straight on shot of Tich singing to the camera
2.34-2.37- close up of glasses boy's face
2.37-2.40- side on shot of them walking away together 
2.40-2.41- close up side on shot of Tich singing
2.41-2.42- side on long shot of Tich singing
2.42-2.45- straight on shot of Tich singing to the camera
2.45- 2.46- camera at a 45 degree angle of her singing
2.46-2.53- a long shot of the drinking coffee which then blurs and the words 'A Rock Jacobs Vision' appear on the screen and it fades to black.

Monday, 5 October 2015

Timed Analysis 1 - Geography Andy Jordan

0.00- 0.02- medium close up of a mans hands holding a womans hands.
0.02 - 0.03 - medium shot of the couple in a park
0.03 - 0.05 - close up of a hand holding the neck of a guitar and changing chords
0.05- 0.07 - medium close up of a hand playing the strings on a guitar
0.07- 0.09 - zoom in shot of Andy Jordan playing a guitar in an empty pub
0.09-0.10- medium shot of both his hands playing the guitar.
0.10 - 0.13- a zoom in shot from a medium shot to close up of Andy Jordan singing
0.13 -0.16 - a jumpy shot of an underground sign
0.16-  0.17- a jumpy shot of a tourist information sign saying London bridge
0.17- 0.20 - a jumpy shot of a blonde girl holding a flower while walking in a park
0.20- 0.22- a pan from left to right of Andy Jordan singing and playing the guitar
0.22- 0.25- close up of the blonde girl smiling at the camera
0.25 - 0.27 - medium shot of the couple in the park.
0.27- 0.29- close up of the blondes face.
0.29-0.34 - a zoom out of Andy playing the guitar and signing
0.34-0.36- close up of Andy Jordan playing the guitar 
0.36-0.39- medium shot of the of Andy Jordan and the blonde walking next to a bus 
0.39- 0.42 - medium shot of Andy Jordan and the Blonde in the back of the taxi 
0.42-0.44- a tilt up the upper half of Andy Jordan's Body and then pans to the left
0.44-0.47- a medium shot of Andy Jordan and the blonde which then pans to the last until it is an over the shoulder shot looking at the blonde
0.47-0.49 - a medium shot of both Andy Jordan and the blonde looking out over the river
0.49-0.58 Cut back to Andy Jordan in the bar first panning right then panning right then left 
0.58- 1.02- A close up shot of the blondes face
1.02-1.05- a tilt up from the guitar to Andy Jordan's face
1.05- 1.08- medium shot of the blonde which is jumpy
1.08-1.12- a medium shot the zooms in on the couple walking down a street
1.12-1.14- a tilt down the body of the couple
1.14-1.17- a tilt down the body of Andy Jordan to the guitar 
1.17-1.21- close up of the blonde looking at the camera
1.21-1.25- a zoom out of Andy Jordan in the bar until his knees are visible 
1.25-1.27- an over the shoulder shot facing Andy Jordan
1.27-1.29 - a pan from an over the shoulder shot of Andy Jordan to one of the blonde
1.29-1.31- a pan round of Andy Jordan's hand on her leg pan from left to right
1.31-1.38- zoom in of Amdy Jordan playing the guitar in the bar - medium close up 
1.38-1.40- Medium close up of Andy Jordan singing
1.40-1.44- a long shot of Andy Jordan and the blonde riding on a carousel 
1.44-1.45- a close up of them holding hands
1.45-1.46- changes to front of the body then tilts up till it reaches their face
1.46-1.48- a close up of their faces
1.48-1.50- a close up of Andy Jordan singing
1.50-1.54 - a medium shot of the couple walking
1.54-1.55 a zoom in shot of some flowers
1.55-1.58- a jumpy shot of some street art
1.58-2.00- a side on medium shot of the couple looking at the street art
2.00-2.02- a long shot of Andy Jordan playing the guitar
2.02-2.05- a side of shot from behind Andy Jordan showing the couple holding hands
2.05-2.09- A zoom in shot of Andy Jordan playing the guitar and singing 
2.09-2.11- a side on shot of the couple pointing things out in the park 
2.11-2.15- a low angle close up shot of the blonde
2.15-2.17 a blurry jumpy shot
2.17-2.20 a side on medium shot of the couple at an ice cream van
2.20-2.25- a zoom in tilt shot of Andy Jordan playing the guitar 
2.25- 2.27- a close up of Andy Jordan's hand playing the guitar 
2.27-2.30- a close up of Andy Jordan's face
2.30-2.31- a close up of Andy Jordan's hand playing the guitar
2.31-2.34- a blurry medium shot of the couple hugging in the park
2.34-2.38- a straight on shot of the blonde looking at the camera
2.38-2.39- a zoom in shot of Andy Jordan's Face
2.39-2.40- a close of an ice cream van sign 
2.41-2.42- the couple coming along side and picking ice creams
2.42-2.47- mediums and close ups of the couple collecting their ice creams
2.47-2.49 - tracking shot of the couple walking away 
2.49-2.54- jumpy shots of the couple taking selfies
2.54-2.58 - close up of Andy Jordan singing 
2.58- 3.00 long shot of Andy Jordan singing 
3.00-3.09 range of close up shots of the blonde which fade to black